Coaches with 10,000+ email list subscribers:

We'll make you $8,000 every month, or give your money back.

(And we'll do it without spamming anyone...)

"That's quite a big claim!"

Yeah, and there's more...

- Learn how we made up to $15.2 per email subscriber (and why you don't want that.)- Our "Tranquilo" approach to protect the asset you earned, but can't own.- The "flaw-some" approach that turns newcomers into old friends - in just weeks.

As you can see, it's good I pursued writing, instead of drawing..

But that screenshot above is when we turned 204 email subscribers into $3,104... That's $15 per email subscriber on your list.

"Why do you guarantee only $1 per email then?"

We could guarantee $10, and you can probably find an agency that will, but because it encourages hard-selling marketing tactics that can ruin your reputation, we won't.

"Cool, but my email list already makes money..."

And it's been hard-won by you alone.But do you really want to do it yourself, even though you could get better results by letting us, and just enjoying the fruits of your labour?Because if you're currently doing any of the following:

- Writing the emails yourself,- Even worse - about topics you think are interesting... (I'll explain)- Sending only one a week,- To the whole list at once...- Without optimized email deliverability,- And without all the individual customer journeys in place...

Then there's so much more impact, and income you're leaving behind.But the good news? You can have it all with less work than you're currently doing.

We get it - You worry that no one will get your messaging right,Or say the wrong thing and ruin your reputation,Or you're simply fed up with people like me promising you the world, and proudly handing you a pile of dirt instead...

So to get $8,000 every month, while working less...You're going to have to do something different.

Then you can enjoy more time and money, switch off from work, and spend your time doing the things you love, with the people you love...

"Who's that handsome fella' there?"

That's Clint, a camel I met in Dubai. Anyway...

Let us make you $8,000, every month, and take some work off your plate.

Sound good? Contact me below:

DISCLAIMER: We'll only work with you if we thing you're a good fit, and we can get you superb results (because you know... that guarantee...) So we need to learn a bit more about you.The best way to do this is a quick call.
Shoot me a DM, or an E-mail, and let's get going!